Sitemap - 2009 - Datadoodle / Stories at Work / by Ted Cuzzillo

Be a strategist, not a "geek"

Why tools take root, or not

You know it when they dance

Keeping people engaged

No wizard, just you and the data

Stalking the why: selling visual analysis

Meet the "metador"

BI's next round: What's going to dominate?

Choices are never the same twice

Speaking of the cloud's mispronouncables

Stay agile

A sweet solution for cherry picking

Sustainability and BI: gone from drizzle to "storm"

Migrating mindsets is the real challenge in ETL

Spam barely pays, says spamalytics

Visual analysis is pragmatic, not just "pretty"

BI buying decisions: the rule of thumb

Data analysts and journalists

InfoWorld goes "moo!" over Jaspersoft

Denial of access explained

Denial of access

Lessons from LucidEra on BI for the mid-market

Analyst: creative or canned?

Analysts run on "maker's schedule"

Magic number

Two analysts' paths

Blog for the times: on high-value, low-cost BI

Tableau conference stats

Just give me the data

A long look at Stephen Few's "Now You See It"

San Francisco cab driver's dashboard

Robert McNamara: good analytics, bad judgment

Veg-O-Matic analysis?

As if there there can be a single version of the truth

Thrilling rebellion

CIA's insights on the psychology of analysis

Lyza and Tableau according to Mako

Storage goes node to node

Another night on Earth

Recession reactions: hunkerers and builders

Mark Madsen’s three indications of uselessness

Recession: value of alert messaging resonates

Recession: Government workers say one thing’s for sure

Why data analysis is so hard to do

BI terms that mean something

Also "not BI"

Data lurking in the elevator

Just-in-time training at the desktop

"Press here": timeless cartoon

A new game for BI

Sleight of hand

That's not BI

Buytendijk, from the outside

Perfect BI tool is one that people actually use

What's an SaaS vendor to do?

Dave Wells' prescription for the incurious

Less than meets the ear

Pulling on the root of bad business writing

Big BI, meet Big Ag

Rejecting stale tech marketing words

Don't call me "non-technical"

In dead bird vs. flow chart, bird wins

Let's call the whole thing DI

Coffee with "Tiberius"

Data intimacy

Fooled by proximity?

Time for traditional BI vendors to "pass the baton"

AT&T is committed to my satisfaction

Blame it on PR

To hell with "guts," Accenture's survey gave a false choice

Insomnia, cure

Some of us like to name things in BI